Our 2017 San Juan Islands Vacation

Saturday, 8.5.2017

We woke up on the boat to a hazy morning. I got the dinghy ready (motor on, tubes pumped up, etc.) and headed to the bowling alley for an 8:30 breakfast with dad, Ben, Jennifer and Ellison. Boy, that little guy can eat! Then we all went to the boat, unpacked the new crab pots -- thanks, Costco! -- and out we went with Ellison in his barely fitting but very colorful life jacket.

We anchored near Saddlebag Island (securely, this time) and then Ben and I went to set the pots. On our way out we were flagged over by two gentlemen in their dinghy who said they had a problem. They were over their limit of crab and wondered if we could help. "Sure", we said, expecting a couple of crabs. They started dropping crabs in our dinghy and we counted eight when they were done. Profuse thanks from us to them and off we went and set our pots. Everyone on the boat was very excited at our "catch". We cleaned the crabs, cooked them up and nibbled our way through a bunch.

Next, Lynn, Ben, Jen and Ellison dinghied into the island for a walk (with Abby) to burn off a bit of Ellison's nearly two year old energy. Dad and I stayed on the boat and drank wine. The wisdom that comes with age. Once the hikers were back, Ben and Jen went and pulled the crab pots and brought them to the boat. When we emptied them we counted 8 keepers. So, we cooked them up (for those counting, that's 10 crabs caught that day, 5 for Lynn and 5 for me. That's our math.).

Up came the anchor and we were off for the marina. We had a good crossing and them time for goodbyes. We sent some crab with Ben and Jennifer, some crab with dad and some for dad to share with our neighbors.

After we filled the water tank, Lynn and Abby and I wandered to the Anacortes Arts festival. We enjoyed a little music, saw a bunch of booths and had some good walking. Then we picked up an "Everything" salad at Village Pizza and headed back to the boat to make crab louies. With a good day behind us and a great vacation about to start, the evening was a few hands of gin rummy, a bit of Kindle reading and off to sleep.